How does the 3-way handshake work?
The basics are the SYN, SYN+ACK, & ACK. Data is sent to the host from the client, As soon as the host sees that data and responds to the client's request, the client gets the data back, acknowledges the server's response, and they begin the actual data transfer.
The full breakdown of each step is as follows.
Step 1 (SYN): In the first step, the client wants to establish a connection with a server, so it sends a segment with SYN(Synchronize Sequence Number) which informs the server that the client is likely to start communication and with what sequence number it starts segments with
Step 2 (SYN + ACK): Server responds to the client request with SYN-ACK signal bits set. Acknowledgement(ACK) signifies the response of the segment it received and SYN signifies with what sequence number it is likely to start the segments with
Step 3 (ACK): In the final part client acknowledges the response of the server and they both establish a reliable connection with which they will start the actual data transfer
There are many applications that use the three-way handshake protocol, including internet browsing, email, file transfers, and most things that use TCP. But it’s not always the best tool. UDP is useful for fast connection where a few dropped packets are not going to interrupt the end device or end user as much. Things like video games and video streaming DNS and VoIP are all good examples of UDP connections where packets are dropped and the data continues to flow. Both are u
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