So it's really frustrating to still be having conversations with people included that still think COVID isn't real or not as bad as it is and thus every time we talk about it having a way of believing their preconceived notions of how things works....

I got the vaccine, I got the boosters, and yet due to the nature of people not getting vaccinated by the numbers. I contracted it still.  To my family ( who think vaccines don't work and who still argue tooth and nail) this acted like a self fulfilling prophecy showing them that the vaccines don't work in their heads.... And at this point it's so hard to talk with people who don't understand the Basics for how we determine what is objectively real. That I'm just emotionally exhausted with it.

People that don't understand scientific data isn't the issue the issue is when presented with said data and there response is " we have different opinions" is the issue. Science is not an opinion. It does not care what you think. And it doesn't matter what you believe. This is the verifiable fact of the universe. 
