How do we sift through Info?

 How do we determine what is good and what is bad?

The so-called good and bad are subjective to the eye of the beholder. One might think only of themselves, hence to try to maximize pleasure could justify to themselves many things that others might find horrific. And for good measure. We tend as a society to have what is a colloquial sense of morality and or a generalized sense of what is right and wrong. But it does sit on a sliding scale depending on the person you ask. There are no absolutes.

But when it comes to things like sifting through data or information. The way that I approach things is via the scientific method. When looking into any topic you want to find a body of objectively verifiable facts that are positively indicative of or exclusively concordant with one position notion over another. When things can be verified, tested, and put under scrutiny and still produce the same results, they can be backed up safely. The real key is being able to not be dogmatic and trying not to work backwards from an already believed conclusion.

 So when looking through information disregarding the bad means:

if something is not compliant with other verifiable sources and is not falsifiable then that thing can be discarded. There will always be some bias in sources, but that's why you should use multiple sources and confirm that whatever is said has been verified and isn’t just unsupported assertions.
